Become a Member

The IVRA is its members and we need every resident to be involved to make Iver Village a better place to live.

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Donate Now

Donate to help us pay for resources such as refuse bags for street cleaning, leaflet printing, website hosting, etc.

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Join a Sub-committee

Sub-committees work together to deal with a specific subject that concerns our community, Every member can join one.

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We are super excited to say (write) that we have the best minds working on our next quiz night and you are welcome to take part. Come as a group of up to 6 or we’ll try matching you to a team on the day.

It’s happening on 22nd April, 7.30pm – 10.30pm at the Iver Village Hall. To keep yourselves safe and happy, please bring your own food and liquid refreshments, as that way you can guarantee that any allergies are accounted for when eating. Raffle Tickets will be available on the day for added fun.

To buy tickets for you or your team for this event, please follow this link: https://www.ivra.org.uk/Quiz

Board Game Nights

We are tunning a series of board game night events – the first one was on 31st January and was a huge success. The next one is on 28th February 2025.

These game nights are a great opportunity for everyone to make new friends, get to know neighbours, save on heating costs, or just spend a lovely evening with other people who live in the village. They are also the cool thing right now! Board game cafes have been popping up all over the country recently and the IVRA is jumping on the trend. 

Please put it in your diary now so that you don’t forget. If you’re a family with children, if you’re a teenager, if you’re a young couple, if you’re a young single, if you’re middle ages, if you’re retired, and even if you think you’re too old for this stuff – you have a place at the table! See less

Together we can make Iver Village a better place.

Our mission is to make Iver Village a better place and solve issues by involving the community.

We will not solve your problems for you – the IVRA is you. One person can’t make all the changes by themselves, so the whole idea of the IVRA is that we come together and make a difference – because nobody is going to do it for us.

We need to work with other residents’ associations and the councils – we are not in the business of making enemies. We will be determined, we will fight for our rights, but we will also listen and be pragmatic. So sometimes we won’t get 100% of what we want but at least we will not get 0% – we will make sure that our voices are heard and that we count. 

Our Latest Events

Board Game Night Poster
28 Feb

Board Game Night

map February 28 6:30 PM Iver Village Hall

We hear from our residents how hard it

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We had more than 2,000 residents at our Platinum Jubilee (2022), Coronation (2023), and Olympic (2024) picnics

Become a member and make a change

IVRA is a nonprofit organisation supported by the community. 

It’s by the residents of Iver Village, for the residents of Iver village. 

 The IVRA is about taking control of our future and being part of something that makes a difference to all of the residents directly. We need to come together, we need to be united, we need to be noticed, and we need to be heard.

You are also welcome to take part as a member of our sub-committees

Help us make Iver Village a safer and more pleasant place to live in by preventing crime and ASB.

calendar icon

Events bring the community together and they also help the IVRA fund its activity.

rubbish icon

Join us to make sure the council does its bit and we do ours. We all want to live in a clean place.

Parking icon

We want to stop cars from blocking the pavement, but we need an alternative place for them to park by the high street.

Our Committee Members

The committee is the governing body of the IVRA. Its role is to coordinate between the different parts of the association, communicate and work with other organisations, and set strategies and targets for the organisation.​

Oliver Kraus


Sally Roberts


Amanda Clark


Anne Clarke


Pat Leech

Membership Secretary

Silvester Baptista

Committee Member

Peter Clarke

Committee Member

Keith Hawes

Committee Member

Mark Jones

Committee Member

Chloe Kraus

Committee Member

John Lees

Committee Member

John Scoates

Committee Member

Illustration - Lottery balls

Support us through Bucks Lottery

We are one of the good causes in the county that the lottery supports. If you would like to donate towards our work and projects and have a chance of winning up to £25,000, please visit Iver Village page on the lottery site.