PL/21/4584/OA | Outline planning permission for demolition and redevelopment to comprise a data centre ( Sui Generis (Data Centre)) of up to 55,000sqm (GEA) (excluding gantries) including ancillary offices, internal plant & equipment and substation (all matters reserved). In addition to the above the development may also include: car parking; provision of external plant and equipment and fuel storage; creation of servicing areas and provision of associated services, including waste, refuse, cycle storage and lighting; and for the laying out of the buildings; routes and open spaces within the development; all associated and ancillary works and operations including but not limited to: demolition; earthworks; provision of attenuation infrastructure, engineering operations.

Link Park Heathrow Thorney Mill Road Iver Buckinghamshire  

PL/20/4332/OA | Outline application for a Motorway Service Area between M25 junctions 15 and 16 near Iver Heath with all matters reserved, comprising vehicular access from the M25 including new overbridge and realignment of the A4007 Slough Road, a controlled vehicular access from the A4007 for emergency vehicles only, including a staff drop off point and associated footway works to Slough Road, facilities buildings, Drive-Thru, fuel filling stations, electric vehicle charging, parking facilities, service yard, vehicle circulation, landscaping, woodland and amenity spaces, Sustainable Drainage Systems, a diverted public bridleway; together with associated mitigation and infrastructure and with earthworks / enabling works including mineral extraction.

Land To The North Of A4007 Slough Road (Between Junctions 15 and 16 Of The M25) Iver Heath Buckinghamshire  

PL/22/1515/FA | Removal of existing roof and erection of new roof to accommodate living space, reduction in roof pitch to existing single storey side extension, material and opening changes to the exterior of the dwelling, removal of chimneys and the addition of rooflights to all elevations

28 Wood Lane Close Iver Heath Buckinghamshire SL0 0LJ