PL/22/1775/FA | Hybrid application to be delivered in phases and to comprise: demolition of existing buildings and structures and preparatory works; detailed application for construction of commercial building to comprise data centre, ancillary offices, associated plant, equipment and emergency backup generators and associated fuel storage, landscaping, sustainable drainage systems, parking, new vehicular access from Thorney Lane South and new emergency access route to Hollow Hill Lane; outline planning application (all matters reserved except for access) for construction of commercial buildings to comprise data centre use including ancillary office space and associated plant, equipment and backup generation, car parking, landscaping and pedestrian access

Thorney Business Park Thorney Lane North Iver Buckinghamshire  

PL/22/2093/ADJ | Consultation from Slough Borough Council re: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Screening Opinion request for 1. Demolition of existing buildings and structures and preparatory works; 2. Detailed planning application for the construction of a commercial building to comprise data centre use. To include ancillary offices, associated plant, equipment and emergency back-up generators and associated fuel storage,landscaping, sustainable drainage systems, parking, a new vehicular access from Thorney Lane South and a new emergency access route to Hollow Hill Lane; and 3. Outline planning application (all matters reserved except for access), to be implemented in phases, for the construction of commercial buildings to comprise data centre use (including ancillary office space and associated plant, equipment and back-up generation); car parking, landscaping and pedestrian access. (SBC Ref:P/19953/001)

Out Of Area Land at Thorney Business Park Thorney Lane Iver SL0 9HF

PL/22/2092/ADJ | Consultation from Slough Borough Council re: Hybrid planning application to be delivered in phases and to comprise: 1. Demolition of existing buildings and structures and preparatory works; 2. Detailed planning application for the construction of a commercial building to comprise data centre use. To include ancillary offices, associated plant,equipment and emergency back-up generators and associated fuel storage,landscaping,sustainable drainage systems, parking,a new vehicular access from Thorney Lane South and a new emergency access route to Hollow Hill Lane; and 3. Outline planning application (all matters reserved except for access),to be implemented in phases,for the construction of commercial buildings to comprise data centre use (including ancillary office space and associated plant,equipment and back-up generation); car parking, landscaping and pedestrian access. (SBC Ref:P/19953/000)

Out Of Area Land at Thorney Business Park Thorney Lane Iver SL0 9HF