L/22/2480/VRC | Variation of Condition 8 (Bat Survey and Mitigation Licence) of application PL/19/0616/FA (Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of site to provide 8 dwellings (6 flats and 2 houses), re-positioning of site access, provision of 9 parking spaces and associated amenity space, cycle and refuse storage and landscaping) to take account of the recommendations in the Elite Ecology Bat Activity Survey (June 2022)

66, 68, 70 & 72 High Street Iver Buckinghamshire SL0 9NG https://pa.chilternandsouthbucks.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?keyVal=REWZUSESKVF00&activeTab=summary

PL/22/2657/FA | A hybrid application to comprise: Part A – Full application for the change in use of 25.6 ha of land at Alderbourne Farm to form a nature reserve with footpaths, biodiversity enhancements, associated parking and infrastructure. Outline application with all matters reserved (except for principal points of access) for land at Alderbourne Farm for backlots and up to 35,000 sqft (3,252 sqm) of associated film production buildings (workshops) together with access roads and parking; Part B – Outline application for Pinewood South on 32.6 ha of land with all matters reserved (except for three principal points of access) for up to 1,365,000sqft (126,817sqm) of film production buildings (to include sound stages, workshops, offices and ancillary uses), education and business hubs with associated ancillary structures together with backlot, multi storey car parks, accesses and green and blue infrastructure.

Land South Of Pinewood Studios and Alderbourne Farm Pinewood Road Iver Heath Buckinghamshire SL0 0NH https://pa.chilternandsouthbucks.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?keyVal=RFMA5MES09X00&activeTab=summary

PL/22/2678/OA | Outline planning permission for the demolition of existing residential and equestrian buildings to facilitate for the construction of up to 33 dwellings to include 40% affordable housing provision with First Homes, up to 2 self-build plots, public open space and associated infrastructure and landscaping. All matters to be reserved except for the creation of new site access

Fourells Paddocks Richings Way Iver Buckinghamshire SL0 9DE https://pa.chilternandsouthbucks.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?keyVal=RFMUGTESLCT00&activeTab=summary